magyar | english


SEPT. 15, 2021
9.00 - 22.00

Dear Students!


In the spirit of the 100th Centennial Program Series of the University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences is organizing a scientific, sports and community Faculty day on September 15, 2021, to which we would like to invite you!

The purpose of our event is to provide an opportunity for personal community building, for the students and the staff of our Faculty to relax together, and to have light-hearted fun. Faculty Day program includes exciting scientific presentations, student and employee sports programs, the ever-popular cooking competition, and various concerts.

Venue of the Professional Day:

- PTE Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology car park (7624 Pécs, Boszorkány út 2.)

- Pollack Beach (7624 Pécs, Damjanich u. 42.)


September 15, 2021 (Wednesday)



9:00 - 10:00 Registration

For the first 250 arrivals, we provide a slice of 60 cm pizza and a pint of beer / spritzer / soft drink!

10:00 - 10:15 Opening

10:15 - 17:00 Professional, sports and community programs

17:00 - 17:30 Announcement of results

17:30 - 19:30 PTE Concerts

20:00 - 21:10 New Level Empire concert


We are looking for the application of student and staff teams of 20 for the event, who will compete with their team during the cooking competition and various sports competitions.

Cooking competition:

We provide the ingredients for the cooking competition, for 20 people per team. The package contains the following items: cooking oil, 4 kg pork shoulder, 1 kg onion, 1 head of garlic, 10 peppers, 6 tomatoes, 7 kg potato, salt, ground black pepper, sweet seasoning paprika, bay leaves. Of course, in order to win, we also welcome creative solutions and homemade ingredients as well!

Sports competition:

The members of the teams compete in the following sports: football (5 + 1 people), volleyball (4 people), basketball shot (2 people), korfball (4 people: 2 boys + 2 girls), ping pong (1 person) .


Registration of teams (with team captain, team name and team members) is possible via the Faculty Day website, no later than 10 a.m. (Friday) September 10, 2021!


Further details and team registration:


On the day of the event, there will be an educational break so that our students can fully participate in the programs.


Please note that according to the relevant epidemiological measures, the event can only be visited with the presentation of an immunity certificate, which will be checked by the event organizers during admission, so for easier and faster admission, please keep your certificate handy at registration.



We sincerely hope that we can meet you on Faculty Day and celebrate together as part of this great occasion!



Best regards,


#ETK Family