Code of Studies and Examinations of the University of Pécs (5. annex)
Code of Charges and Benefits of the Statutes of the University of Pécs (6. annex)
Dean's Order No. 1/2022 on Mid-Term Reports and Examination Measures to Reduce Dropouts - 2022.02.07.
UP Operative Crew Resolution 3/2021
Order of Entering the Premises of the University During the State of Emergency
Rector’s order 2/2021 - extending the Academic Year
Rector’s order 3/2021 – class exam
The Hungarian Higher Education Act
Code of Studies and Examinations (last English language version on February 1st, 2015)
Amendments in the Code of Studies and Examinations (November 10, 2011)
Code of Charges and Benefits (last English language version on June 22, 2018)
Amendments in the Code of Charges and Benefits (November 10, 2011)
Code of Studies and Examinations of the University of Pécs (last English language version on 1 July, 2014)
Erasmus+ Rules and Regulationsof the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Pécs (February 28, 2017)