Looking for an apartment or a roommate to share a flat with?
Student Housing offers more than other agencies:
- Largest database of apartments in Pécs!
- We are located at the university, so we put YOUR interests first!
- Roommate search (advertise your room for rent for free!)
- Furnished/unfurnished apartments from 30.000 HUF
- We make appointments with the landlords for you
- We take you out by car to view apartments
- Reliable, fast accomodation
- Helpful staff
- Exact info given about the properties (utility costs, etc.)
- Pics of each flat available- no surprises!
- Our database is updated every day
- We give you bilangual rental contracts
Check out our apartments at www.studenthousing.hu and let us know which apartments you would like to visit!
Student Housing Pécs
Address: H-7624 Pécs, Szigeti street 12, II. floor (next to the copyshop)
Phone: +36 30/215-5513, +36 30/300-4101, +36 72/536 227
Email: studenthousing@aok.pte.hu, studenthousing.pecs@gmail.com
Opening hours: M-Fr: 8: 00-16: 00
We look forward to meeting you!