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31th MAY, 2024 Hírek Faculty news


The UP Faculty of Health Sciences HELP Office invites applications for the HELPer programme at the Pécs campus.

The aim of the programme is for students to support and help each other in an organised format


HELPers are students who have mastered the course material to a high level, understand it, love it and are able to explain it to their peers.

Tasks to be carried out by HELPers:

  • participation in the activities of the HELP Office.
  • Outreach to the students concerned on the basis of the list provided by the HELP Office.
  • Providing individual and or small group tutoring sessions to fellow students in the subject undertaken, in person or online.
  • Entering into a contract on the support process with the persons involved.
  • Keeping and submitting a monthly progress diary of all lessons held to the HELP Office.
  • Assisting students with university administration (credit transfer, institutional issues, etc.),
  • Identify problems (e.g. life management, mental health, stress, non-academic issues) and refer them to an appropriate support person.

The HELPers undertake to participate in a 2-day training course organised by the HELP Office in September 2024, which will develop the competences and skills needed to perform the task.

HELPers receive the contact details of students applying for tutoring via the HELP Office.

The HELPer keeps a short progress diary of the tasks carried out with the student who has applied for tutoring, which is submitted to the HELP Office at the end of each month for approval.

The HELP Office will start the payment of the fee based on the number of sessions held.

Remuneration of HELPers:

The gross fee for each 45-minute session held and duly certified is HUF 4000.

For participation in HELPer courses, 2 credits are awarded in the semester following the programme.



The ideal HELPers:

  • have an active or passive student status at the UP Faculty of Health Sciences,
  • have at least 2 completed, valid semesters,
  • have good or excellent marks in the subject(s) concerned (to be applied for),
  • have user-level IT skills,
  • have good oral and written presentation skills,
  • have empathy, good communication skills and direct relationship with students,
  • demonstrate flexibility and workload management,
  • have up-to-date knowledge of the subject and is constantly improve their level of knowledge,
  • are available (on a weekly basis both during the semester and during the exam period),
  • are characterised by professional commitment and organisational reliability,

Conditions for joining the HELPer programme:

  • fill in the application form online (please click here to fill it in!),

Documents to be submitted:

The following content should be edited into a single document (in word format and saved in PDF format after editing)

  • A motivation letter with a photo, min 400, max 1000 characters (with spaces) (in which the applicant describes why they want to become a HELPer, what motivates them, and what their goals are),
  • A signed recommendation (min. 300, max. 600 characters, with spaces) from at least one ETK student and/or colleague (as a reference),
  • if available (not obligatory!): a portfolio of your own professional activities related to the duties applied for (e.g. previous results of secondary school competitions, professional activities at university and outside, proof of professional activities in special colleges, SSA, language exams, etc.),
  • attach a Neptun screenshot of your weighted average over the last 2 semesters
  • Neptun screenshot of the completion of the subjects applied for

The following are considered as an advantage (but not a condition for eligibility):

  • previous experience as a successful demonstrator or mentor,
  • active participation in the work of Colleges of Advanced Studies, SSA,
  • conference presentations, publications,
  • Student Union representative activities,
  • Activity as a group leader in Freshmen's Workshop,
  • Completion of a course organised by the HELP Office (e.g. Stress Relief, Lifebelt, Love Garden, Relaxation, Autogenic Training, EMK),
  • Other awards, prizes, courses (Student Union, professional, sports associations, public acknowledgements, etc.) (courses in presentation techniques, coaching, communication, mentoring, trainer, IT, first aid, Red Cross, etc.)

The appointment of HELPers is valid until withdrawn.

If the applicant has the above, please attach the supporting documents at the end of the required documents, i.e. send a single PDF file as an application document.

The application (which is a PDF document containing the above information) should be sent electronically (scanned) to the HELP Office of the faculty at In the subject field, please write: "HELPer Application - name of applicant”.

Important! Applicants must also complete the application form (google form)

Deadline for submitting applications: 

14 June 2024 (Friday) 12:00

(Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted)

Ranking is carried out by the HELP Office.
The programme is open to students who are supported by a lecturer teaching the given subject. The HELP Office takes care of obtaining the lecturer's approval for students who meet the application criteria.

Applications will be assessed by 31 July 2024, after which all applicants will be notified of the rejection or, in the case of a positive decision, of the details of the 2-day training course.

The Demonstrator Scholarship will also be awarded for the 2024/2025 academic year. Students who are awarded this scholarship will be involved in the activities of this programme.

Please note that students who are successful in the competition will not necessarily be given a placement (an opportunity to work with students). This will depend on the student demand for mentoring that arises during the academic year!

Any application containing formal errors will not be ranked, nor will any academic, professional or other activity not supported by appropriate documentation.

Pécs, 31 May 2024. 


Prof. dr. Pongrác ÁCS