magyar | english


  • Information Desk opening schedule
    7 july 2020

    Dear Students,


    We would like to inform you that the Information Desk in building A (Vörösmarty street 4.) will be available from 07. 07. 2020. according to the following summer opening schedule:

  • New Clinical Laboratory Scientist Master’s program from September 2020!
    23 june 2020

    UP Faculty of Health Sciences launches the Clinical Laboratory Scientist Master’s program in English language from September 2020 in its Pécs Campus.


    Application deadline: July 31, 2020

  • PTE MOON BIKE 2020
    23 june 2020

    Community, Exercise, Health, Environmental Awareness – University of Pécs!

    Starting on June 26, the University of Pécs launches an international challenge for all members of society to promote a healthy lifestyle.

    29 may 2020

  • Scientific Student Circle Conference's (TDK) results
    29 may 2020

    The Faculty’s Scientific Student Circle Conference is held annually. In view of the pandemic, the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Pécs has made serious efforts to present the results of the students' work in research within the framework of this forum.

  • Dean’s competition essay for 2019/2020 academic year
    26 may 2020

    The application for the Dean’s Competition Essay for the 2019/2020 academic year is announced as follows.

  • International Nurse Day
    12 may 2020

    On the International Nurse Day, we would like express our appreciation and gratitude to all those who are risking their own health in the fight against the pandemic!

  • Dean’s Order on the detailed rules of digital distance education
    8 may 2020

    7. MAY 2020.

    29 april 2020

    We would like to inform you that University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences is organizing the XXXVI. Faculty Scientific Students’ Association Conference online.

  • How to submit the thesis in the Neptun educational system
    28 april 2020

  • Donation
    9 april 2020

    Dear ETK Community, in addition all the fears and tears the COVID-19 brought us some positive attitudes as well:
    One member this beloved community, a Chinese girl (she don’t wanted to be named) from the Faculty’s International Programme made and offered 160 face masks for our faculty staff.

  • Important statement for our international students
    31 march 2020

    It has been always the definite goal of the Faculty of Health Sciences to create a community like a family that does not discriminate between its students and staff regarding their countries of origin, religion or gender.

    When we launched our international programmes, we confessed to treat our students in accordance with these principles and asked the citizens of Pécs to also do so.

  • Restriction on free movement
    31 march 2020

    A restriction on free movement will be imposed on the entire territory of Hungary between March 28 and April 11. People can only leave their homes for work and basic needs.

    Groceries, pharmacies, markets and drugstores can be visited. However, those who are above the age of 65 are only allowed to visit these places between 9:00 and 12:00, while others are prohibited to do so during this timeframe.

  • One day break in distance learning
    25 march 2020

    Dear Students, Dear Lecturers,


    As you have experienced, we have successfully launched distance education in TEAMS. Some of you have also noticed that, despite providing appropriate information, some of the students have not been added to the courses.

  • Coronavirus and Education
    17 march 2020

    Dear Students,


    the clear and strong recommendation of the UPFHSc, is not to travel abroad in the upcoming weeks!

  • Educational break
    11 march 2020

    Dear Student,


    you have probably been informed that the Government of Hungary announced emergency for the whole country due to the coronavirus outbreak. In accordance with this, measures regarding higher educational institutions were also introduced.

  • Coronavirus information
    11 march 2020

    Dear Student!


    Due to the epidemiological situation regarding the spread of the coronavirus, hereby we inform you of the following.

    There is still no one infected with the coronavirus among the University’s students and staff.

  • Coronavirus emergency measure
    10 march 2020

    Dear Students,


    Considering that the National Chief Medical Officer ordered a complete visiting restraint in all social and inpatient care institutions operating in Hungary from 8 March 2020 until withdrawal, University of Pécs has taken the following measures, which also affects the students of the Faculty of Health Sciences.

  • XXVI. TDK Conference Second Notice
    3 march 2020

    Date of the Scientific Students' Associations Conference:
    8-9th of May 2020. (Friday-Saturday)


    University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kaposvár Campus, 7400 Kaposvár, Szent Imre Street 14/b.


    Deadline for uploading the abstracts:
    9th of April 2020. 24.00